PAPD: Raising Breast Cancer Awareness, One Badge at a Time

By Lenis Rodrigues, Media Relations Staff

Earlier this month, hundreds of Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) officers began wearing a strikingly different kind of police badge, with blue and pink bands placed around the standard shield as a sign of support for colleagues and loved ones affected by breast cancer.

The idea was initiated by the department’s Women’s Law Enforcement Association (WLEA), which sought to enhance the officers’ standard dress code in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in a show of solidarity for those affected by the disease. PAPD Officer Kristen Lynch-Stambuli, the association’s president, was a leading proponent of the recognition effort, along with other members of the WLEA and PAPD brass.


PAPD Officer Kristin Lynch-Stambuli, President of the Women’s Law Enforcement Association

For Lynch-Stambuli, her involvement was deeply personal. “Everyone has been touched by the disease in some way, including myself. My mother, Diane Lynch, has been a breast cancer survivor for 18 years. I have witnessed first-hand how devastating this disease is to families,” said Lynch-Stambuli, who was in the eighth grade when her mother was diagnosed.

The WLEA further noted in a statement that it was “humbled by the support from all Port Authority employees, especially the officers that participated. Their assistance made our first fundraiser a huge success.”


Both female and male PAPD officers wear blue and pink bands on their badges as a show of respect for family, friends and colleagues with breast cancer.

After they were developed for PAPD officers, the bands soon spread in popularity. The Marlboro and Freehold police departments in New Jersey purchased a total of about 100 bands from the WLEA to adorn the badges of their departments.


Patrolman James Caulfield (right) and Chief Bruce Hall (left), both of the Marlboro Township Police Department

“I knew immediately this was a fantastic idea. There are many family and friends within our community who are affected by cancer,” said Marlboro Police Patrolman James Caulfield. “These bands may be small, but when they are worn on a badge of a police officer they make a very bold and powerful statement.” Marlboro police purchased 70 of them for use by each member of the department.

In addition to a show of solidarity for women afflicted with breast cancer, the bands – purchased from the group American Police Veterans — became a fundraising opportunity for the association. To date, more than 1,000 bands have been sold to the three police departments at $5 each. The group also has sold more than 120 T-shirts, for $20 apiece. Proceeds go to Gilda’s Club, an organization that benefits cancer patients.

The WLEA also marked October by participating in the 2016 Jersey City Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. Next year, the association hopes to make the bands available to civilians as well.

“As police officers, the WLEA wanted to encourage public and community support for anyone who has gone or is going through this type of trial in their lives — and to know that they are recognized by the Port Authority Police Department,” Lynch-Stambuli said.

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NY/NJ Harbor Deepening and the Lost Islands

By Portfolio Editor Roz Hamlett

There was once a 132-acre island in Jamaica Bay within view of Kennedy Airport known as Elders Point. After years of degradation, the land split into separate islands connected only by mud.  The U.S. National Park Service (NPS) observed that Elders Point was sinking, and fast. Because the salt marsh island was in dire straits, Elders Point went to the top of the NPS restoration list.


Salt marshes are where fresh and saltwater mix, their importance extending beyond the environment to the commercial fishing industry as they contribute to healthy fish stocks. Without drastic intervention, not only Elders Point, but all the remaining salt marshes in Jamaica Bay were doomed to disappear at a clip of 44 acres annually – left alone, the marshes could vanish entirely by 2025.

That’s when the Port Authority threw the embattled Elders Point a lifeline, a project that began 10 years ago. The rescue of Elders Point was accomplished as part of the recently completed Harbor Deepening Navigation Program. The program dredged a 50-foot channel access to the six container terminals of the Port of New York and New Jersey (PONYNJ) by deepening Ambrose Channel from deep water in the Atlantic Ocean to the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, better enabling PONYNJ to receive the biggest ships from around the world.   4857242552_956f38ea7f-1

Restoring Elders Point involved using some of the dredge material from the channel to create a refuge for habitat and to restore vegetation, with nearly one million plants placed by hand.  The project required 17 million cubic yards of clean sand, and blasted rock was used to create fishing reefs.

“The Port Authority, in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, came to the rescue in a way that exceeded our initial goals,” said Atef Ahmed, program manager of the Harbor Deepening Project. “The ecosystem we helped to create is thriving and supporting a vibrant multitude of wildlife habitat.”


But according to Port Authority Wildlife Biologist Laura Francoeur, the agency also works hard to achieve the right balance between aviation safety and the preservation of the disappearing marshes, which are the heart of the urban ecosystem of the bay.

“Because of the close proximity of Jamaica Bay to our airports, we also have to make sure that we’re not creating a hazard for the airports by attracting too many birds that may inadvertently cause a bird strike,” said Francoeur.

The Port Authority’s success with Elders Point has led to an ongoing partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to restore additional islands in Jamaica Bay. The salt marshes are a critical part of the first urban national park that was established in 1972 under the U.S. Department of the InteriorNational Park ServiceGateway National Recreation Area. The refuge encompasses 9,155 acres of diverse habitats, including upland field and woods, several fresh and brackish water ponds – all located within New York City. It’s one of the best spots to observe migrating birds.

Francoeur is optimistic about the restorations, but she also sounds a note of caution, “Nothing we ever do is simple. The restoration of salt marshes is about finding the right balance,” she said.

Posted in Atlantic Ocean, commerical shipping, containerization, Jamaica Bay, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Kennedy Airport, Kennedy International, NY/NJ region, PONYNJ, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Port Authority of NY/NJ, Port of New York & New Jersey, Port Region, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on NY/NJ Harbor Deepening and the Lost Islands

Replacing a Rail Bridge to Make Way for the New Goethals

By Neal Buccino, Media Relations Staff

Photography by Mike Dombrowki, Port Authority Staff


BEFORE:  The old Travis Spur Bridge on Friday, October 7, hours before its demolition.  Notice how its concrete piers constrict the roads connecting to the Goethals Bridge.  The Goethals stands in the background, with its replacement under construction to the left.

Sometimes, to replace an enormous bridge, you first have to replace a smaller one.

The Goethals Bridge is 1.3 miles long, and currently undergoing a historic replacement. But that job couldn’t proceed without the demolition and replacement of its relatively puny neighbor — the 212-foot-long Travis Spur Rail Bridge at the foot of the Goethals, which carries train tracks over I-278 in Staten Island.


DEMOLITION:  The bridge’s steel and concrete fall to excavators mounted with giant shears and jackhammers.  

The rail bridge crosses over roads that carry traffic to and from the Goethals, and its concrete piers constricted the width of those roads that needed to be expanded to connect traffic with the new Goethals, which will be twice as wide as its functionally obsolete 88-year-old predecessor.


HALFWAY THERE:  By the next morning, Saturday October 8, the Travis spur and its thick concrete piers are gone.

It’s not easy to tear down a steel bridge, demolish its concrete supports and replace them with something new. But the Port Authority, in partnership with developer NYNJ Link and contractor KWM, managed to get the job done in two and a half days – nine hours ahead of schedule.

If you think that’s quick, check out this time-lapse video by the Port Authority’s Mike Dombrowski.  Be sure to click the YouTube icon at the bottom of the video to watch the action.

In the two-minute video, the original Travis bridge vanishes within seconds (actually the work of several hours on a Friday night), after being sliced and pummeled by giant excavator-mounted shears and jackhammers. Then comes the grand finale, as cranes stack up concrete sections to make the new piers and self-driving vehicles slide two prefabricated steel spans into place, creating the new Travis Spur Rail Bridge.


NEW SPAN:  A self-propelled, multi-wheeled transport slides one of the new Travis bridge’s prefabricated steel spans into place.

It was all done with great efficiency and, thanks to plenty of advance planning and coordination with police and other partners on both sides of the Arthur Kill, minimal impacts to traffic.

As for the Goethals Bridge Replacement Project, it continues at full speed.


AFTER:  The new Travis Spur Rail Bridge on Monday, October 10.  The roadways approaching the Goethals now have plenty of room to expand and direct access to the Goethals, which is still under-construction.






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